Some of our Favorite Falconry Resources.
For general falconry information, where to buy some equipment and other Falconry Organizations check out the links below.
- The Modern Apprentice http://www.themodernapprentice.com
- The Most Active Falconry Forum http://www.nafex.net/forum.php
- American Falconry Conservancy http://falconryconservancy.org/
- North American Falconers’ Association http://www.n-a-f-a.com
- Mike’s Falconry http://www.mikesfalconry.com
- Western Sporting http://www.westernsporting.com
- Illinois DNR http://www.dnr.illinois.gov/adrules/documents/17-1590.pdf
Recommended Reading
- The Art and Practice of Hawking, E. B. Mitchell, CT Branford Co., Newton, Mass.
- The California Hawking Club Apprentice Study Guide, F. Holderman, (Privately printed) California Hawking Club, P.O. Box 786, Sacramento, CA 95812.
- Hawks, William S. Clark & Brian K. Wheeler, Peterson Field Guide Series, Houghton Mifflin Co.
- A Hawk for the Bush, Jack Mavrogordato, CW Daniels Co. Ltd., Essex, Eng.
- Life Histories of North American Birds of Prey (Two Volumes), Arthur C. Bent, Dover Publication Inc., New York, NY.
- North American Falconry and Hunting Hawks, Frank L. Beebe and H. Webster, Buy it here.
- Observations on Modern Falconry, R. Stevens, Peregrine Press, College Station, Texas.